New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund

The New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund is a collaborative program with America's Service Commissions (ASC). This program provides direct cash assistance of up to $500 for eligible AmeriCorps members serving in New York. The Fund is designed to assist with emergency financial needs occurring within the 2024-25 program year that threaten a member’s ability to continue their service term.

Application and
payment timeline

Awards will be up to $500 within the 2024-25 program year*.

Please note: Each application submission will be reviewed for eligibility. If you are awarded emergency funds during the service year, subsequent awards are not guaranteed. Awards are contingent upon meeting the eligibility criteria and the availability of funds.

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1. Application Opens

Application will be open on August 1, 2024, and will remain open until funds are depleted.

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2. Application Review

Applications will be reviewed weekly.

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3. Decisions and Payments

Decisions and payments will be sent weekly beginning the week of August 5th, 2024.

Apply now

Learn how to apply

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund?

What is the New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund?

The New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund is a collaborative program with America's Service Commissions (ASC).  This program provides direct cash assistance of up to $500 for eligible AmeriCorps members serving in New York.  The Fund is designed to assist with emergency financial needs occurring within the 2024-25 program year that threaten a member’s ability to continue their service term.

How do I know if I am eligible to apply for the New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund?

To be eligible, you must meet ALL of the requirements below:

  • Be at least 17 years of age at the time of application
  • Reside within New York or one of the following bordering states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Vermont
  • Be an active AmeriCorps member serving a minimum of 300 hours in an eligible New York State Commission program
  • Have a financial emergency that occurred on or after August 1, 2024

Which New York State Commission programs are eligible?

To be eligible to apply you must serve a minimum of 300 hours in one of the following New York State Commission programs:

  • American National Red Cross (NYS) - Red Cross Disaster Resiliency Corps
  • Breakthrough New York
  • Center for Family Life in Sunset Park - Sunset Park Community Corps
  • Center for Justice Innovation - Red Hook Community Justice Center
  • City of Rochester - Flower City AmeriCorps
  • City of Rochester - Flower City Public Health Corps
  • City Year New York
  • Community Health Care Association of New York State - CHCANY Public Health AmeriCorps
  • Computers for Children, Inc. - Ignite Your Life
  • Concrete Safaris Inc. - PlacemakingCorps
  • Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation - East Brooklyn Collaborative for Youth Development
  • Grand Street Settlement
  • Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. - Access to Justice
  • Mental Health Association of Columbia and Greene Counties, Inc. - Hudson PROMISE Corps
  • Monroe Community College - Rochester AmeriCorps
  • Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks - The Wild Center
  • New York Edge
  • New York State Dispute Resolution Association - Community Mediation Service Corps
  • New York-New Jersey Trail Conference - Trail Conference Conservation Corps
  • NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Health - Peer Corps
  • NYC Service, Office of the Mayor - City Service Corps
  • NYC Service, Office of the Mayor - Peer Corps
  • NYC Service, Office of the Mayor - NYC Civic Corps
  • NYC Service, Office of the Mayor - NYCHA Health Corps
  • Oswego City-County Youth Bureau - Oswego AmeriCorps Program
  • Public Health Solutions AmeriCorps
  • Relay Graduate School of Education - AmeriCorps Relay Teaching Residency (ARTR)
  • Research Foundation on behalf of Bronx Community College - Early Care Educators
  • Ronald McDonald House - New York - Public Health - AmeriCorps
  • Rural Health Network of South Central New York - Rural Health Service Corps
  • St. Nicks Alliance - Career GPS
  • Student Conservation Association - SCA AmeriCorps
  • Student Conservation Association - Career GPS
  • Sunset Park Health Council - Sunset Park AmeriCorps
  • The Research Foundation for the State University of NY - FAFSA Planning Corps
  • The Service Collaborative of Western New York - ABLE Early Childhood
  • The Service Collaborative of Western New York - Economic Opportunity Corps (EOC)
  • Wayne County Action Program, Inc. - Finger Lakes Living Healthy
  • Reading & Math, Inc - NY Early Learning Corps & Math Corps

 What is considered an emergency expense?

An emergency expense is defined by an unforeseen, urgent event or circumstance that necessitates immediate financial assistance and threatens a member’s ability to continue their service.

The emergency expense must fall within the following categories:

  • Medical (personal, family, or pet)
  • Housing 
  • Transportation
  • Expense related to a family loss
  • Other*

Please note: Selecting the “Other” emergency category may require additional review. Please be prepared to provide supporting documentation.

 What is NOT considered an emergency expense?

The following costs are not considered emergency expenses:

  • Regular transportation costs 
  • Routine vehicle maintenance 
  • Expected healthcare costs 
  • Expected costs for education or professional development 
  • Typical rent, utility, and other housing costs 
  • Entertainment

Please note: Selecting the “Other” emergency category may require additional review. Please be prepared to provide supporting documentation.

My emergency expense occurred prior to the launch, am I able to apply?

To apply, you must have had a financial emergency that occurred on or after August 1, 2024.

Will I be required to provide documentation to prove financial need?

You will not be required to submit documentation at the time of application. However, please request funding for the amount you have or will have documentation for as you may be asked to provide it in the future.  

Eligible documentation includes a dated bill or invoice; or a signed and dated letter from an authorized entity such as a landlord, doctor or social worker.

I currently do not have permanent housing. Can I still apply, and how can I receive financial aid without a mailing address? 

Yes. Applicants without permanent housing should still apply. You have two options: 

  • If you are eligible and prefer to receive a physical check, you may send your payment to someone’s address you trust, within Tennessee.
  • If you are eligible and prefer to receive direct deposit, please select this option.

I currently do not have permanent housing. What residency documents can I use? 

If you have a current document from List A that provides proof of your identity and residency in New York or one of the following bordering states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Vermont prior to not having housing, you can provide it on the application.

If you do not have a document from List A, you can provide a document from List B proving your identity AND a signed and dated letter from one of the people listed in List C proving that you reside in New York or a bordering state listed above.

I currently do not have permanent housing. What address can I use on my application? 

If you have a current List A document verifying your identity and residency in New York or one of the following bordering states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Vermont, please enter the New York or bordering state address you had prior to becoming unhoused. 

If you do not have a current List A document, and are providing a List B (identity) and List C (residency) document, please enter the address listed in your List C document.

I live outside of the state boundaries. Can I still apply? 

Yes, as long as you serve a minimum of 300 hours in an eligible New York State Commission program or VISTA project and have residency in New York or one of the following bordering states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Vermont.

Are there any other options if I am not able to receive financial aid from the Member Assistance Fund? 

At this moment there are no other funding programs available.

Will every AmeriCorps member who applies receive financial assistance? 

Due to limited funds, we are unable to serve every AmeriCorps member. Some eligible members may not receive financial support. 

How are eligible applicants selected? 

Due to limited funds, we are unable to serve everyone. We are selecting applicants on a first come first serve basis.

When will the application open?

The application will open on August 1, 2024 .

When are applications due? 

There is no due date, however the application will remain open until funds are depleted.

What kind of documents will I need to submit? 

You will need to upload documents to confirm your identity and residency, and a screenshot of your my.AmeriCorps or eGrants homepage verifying your AmeriCorps member status.

The table below provides a list of documents you can use for identity and residency. Please ensure you have a clear copy of one item from List A OR one item from both List B and List C.

[List A]  New York or a Bordering State Residency & Identity Documents

  • State Identification Card showing your full name and address
  • State Driver License showing your full name and address
  • Utility bill showing your full name and current address
  • Cell phone bill or internet bill showing your full name and current address
  • Insurance statement showing your full name and current address
  • Bank statement showing your full name and current address
  • 2022 or 2023 tax return showing your full name and current address
  • Paystub from employer showing your full name and your current address
  • None. I am going to select one option each from List B and List C

[List B] Identity Documents

  • Any State or Country Identification Card showing your full name 
  • Any State Driver's License showing full name 
  • Any government issued card showing your full name
  • Passport showing your full name
  • Birth certificate showing your full name**
  • None. I am going to select one option from List A 

[List C] Residency Documents

Signed and dated letter* stating the full name and phone number of the person writing the letter from the following entities: 

  • Landlord 
  • Employer
  • Representative from your place of worship
  • Social worker or advocate
  • None. I am going to select one option from List A

*You may use this letter template for this application.
Unless prohibited by state law.

AmeriCorps Member Verification:
You will need to upload your My.AmeriCorps Portal screenshot to confirm that you are an active AmeriCorps member. For an example of the My.AmeriCorps Portal, please visit

There are multiple AmeriCorps members living at my address. How should we apply? 

Each AmeriCorps member should submit their own application that includes their own funding request for their own emergency expense.

If I help someone complete an application, what information do I need to share with them?

Please give all applicants their Submission ID and tell them to write it down and/or take a photo and save it somewhere. This number is very important to track the status of their application.

How do I update my information or correct an error after I submit my application?

If you need to update or correct an error on your application after it has been submitted, please contact us as (206) 558-6144  or

Is there an appeal process if after I apply I do not receive financial aid from the New York State Commission Member Assistance Fund?

Due to the anticipated high number of applications, there will not be an appeal process. However, if a new financial emergency occurs during the 2024-25 service year, we encourage you to please review the eligibility requirements listed, and submit a new application for review if you meet the criteria.

What happens if I submit a duplicate application by mistake? Are we then disqualified as a result? 

If you submit multiple applications by mistake, Scholar Fund will be able to identify that multiple applications were submitted and will review the application that conveys the higher need. Applicants may also be contacted via phone call or text if application issues are detected. 

I submitted my application, but haven’t heard back yet. When will I find out if I’ve been approved?

Applications will begin to be reviewed on a weekly basis. Starting the week of August 5th, 2024, decisions will go out weekly to the email address linked to your account and via text message. You may look up the status of your application at any time by logging back into the application portal. Please be patient as we are reviewing applications.

How much are payments? 

Payments are up to $500 in a program year, and can be processed as a check or ACH, which is a direct deposit into your bank account.

Is this a one-time payment? 

Eligible applicants are able to apply multiple times and receive up to $500 within the 2024-25 program year*.

*Please note: Each application submission will be reviewed for eligibility.  If you are awarded emergency funds during the service year, subsequent awards are not guaranteed. Awards are contingent upon meeting the eligibility criteria and the availability of funds.

When will I get my payment?

Payments will be released to the community in weekly intervals starting the week of August 5th, 2024. Mailed checks may take longer to receive, and we expect everyone will receive payment within 14 days after you have been given your award notice.

How can I receive my payment? 

There are two options for receiving payments: 

  • When: 7-14 days after you have been notified of an award. 
  • How: Mail via postal service to the mailing address you provided. 
  • *Physical checks are void after 90 days.

Direct deposit

  • When: 2-5 days after you have been notified of an award.
  • How: Transferred to the direct deposit info you provided. 

Can I have my payment sent to a different address from my residential address?

Yes, the mailing address could be a P.O. box or any address where you feel more comfortable receiving payment, as long as the address is within Tennessee.

If approved, can I change my form of payment?

Yes, you can change your form of payment after you have been approved. Please contact Scholar Fund at (206) 558-6144  or at with your name, submission ID, and the form of payment you would prefer.

If I am approved, can I change my award amount?

No, once you are approved changes cannot be made to your award amount.

If I am awarded, do I have to pay this money back? Will this impact my taxes?

No, if you receive a payment of $500 or less, you do not have to pay this money back or report it on your taxes because the payment is under $600.

If I am awarded $600 or more, how will I receive my 1099 Form for my 2024 taxes?

Regardless of your payment type, applicants who were awarded $600 or more will receive a digital 1099 Form to the email address provided in the application by the end of January 2025.

If I am awarded $600 or more, how will I receive my 1099 Form for my 2024 taxes?

Regardless of your payment type, applicants who were awarded $600 or more will receive a digital 1099 Form to the email address provided in the application by the end of January 2025.

Is the information I provide in the application confidential? 

The nonprofit organization Scholar Fund will not voluntarily share your data with government entities. Scholar Fund is responsible for collecting the personal information you voluntarily submit on the application for the Member Assistance Fund.

To help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, Scholar Fund has instituted appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information they collect.

You can learn more about the Scholar Fund’s comprehensive Privacy Policy here (English only). 

The my.AmeriCorps and eGrants portal screenshots have sensitive information such as my Social Security Number. How can I share my information privately?

The information you provide in the application is stored securely in an encrypted format so it cannot be accessed. If you feel more comfortable, please block out your Social Security Number. However, please make sure your name, birth date, and National Service Participant ID (NSPID) are clearly visible.

Also make sure to never share your eGrants portal screenshots in an unsecure way such as text or an un-encrypted email.

Why am I being asked demographic questions? Will my answers affect my eligibility?

Demographic questions are asked to better understand who is being served with the Member Assistance Fund. Your answers will have no effect on your eligibility, and you can choose not to disclose any demographic information.The information you provide will never be shared with any government agency with your name attached to it.

How will the application process prevent fraud? 

In order to identify fraud, avoid duplicates, and maintain disbursement limits, Scholar Fund has developed several mechanisms to screen for discrepancies, which includes a thorough application review process, spam filters, and address verification. Applicants may also be contacted via phone or text if application issues are detected.

What do I do if I discover that an applicant has been approved for more than one application?

If you discover that an applicant has been approved and/or funded multiple times, please notify Scholar Fund at (206) 558-6144  or If applicants apply using different names or slightly different information, it makes deduplication difficult. However, a payment can be stopped if it has not been cashed.